Sponge-dwelling fauna

Fauna asociada a esponjas

This project uses marine sponges as a biological model capable of providing a habitat for both vertebrates and invertebrates. Our research combines hypothesis testing and scientific curiosity, along with techniques derived from descriptive biology, ecology, and complex networks.

Currently, this project seeks three main goals, (1) document the organisms that fulfill a guest-host relationship with sponges, (2) classify the type of interaction into mutualisms, commensalisms, or parasitisms, and (3) analyze the importance of each organism in the maintenance and structure of the interactions network.


Antar Mijail Pérez Botello

Nuno Simões


Carlos Paz

Diana Ugalde

Edlin Guerra

Gabriel Cervantes

Julio Duarte

María Muciño

Quetzalli Hernández

External collaborators

Antonio Baeza

Wesley Dáttilo





Data sets

Juego de datos interactivo

Sponge dwelling-fauna from the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean: a bibliographic records database.

Pérez-Botello, AM. & Simões N

Juego de datos

Sponge dwelling-fauna from the Northwestern Atlantic Ocean: a bibliographic records database.

Pérez-Botello, AM. & Simões N


Biodiversity Data Journal

Sponge dwelling-fauna: a review of known species from the Northwest Atlantic coral reefs.

Pérez-Botello, AM. & Simões N (2021)


5th WCMB

Guest-host interactions as diversity drivers in coral reefs

Pérez-Botello, AM et al (2020)

Global Coral Reef Week

Callyspongia aculeata dwelling-fauna in Cayo Arcas reef

Pérez-Botello, AM. & Simões N (2020)

4th Trait Workshop

Review of mega-fauna symbiotic species associated with sponges from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea

Simões N & Pérez-Botello, AM. (2019)

TCS 9 International Crustacean Congress

Diversity patterns and multiscale analysis of Callyspongia vaginalis dwelling-crustacea in Campeche Bank coral reefs

Pérez-Botello, AM. et al (2018)

TCS Mid-Year Meeting

Associated crustaceans with sponges from the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea: a review

Pérez-Botello, AM. et al (2017)


Fauna Asociada a esponjas arrecifales del golfo de México y mar Caribe

Pérez-Botello, AM et al (2017)

X Reunion Nacional Alejandro Villalobos

Revisión de Crustáceos asociados a esponjas del Golfo de México y el mar caribe. X Reunión Nacional Alejandro Villalobos, Mérida, México

Pérez-Botello, AM et al (2016)


Sociedad Lationoamericana de buceo científico

Las esponjas, un pequeño acercamiento a los multifamiliares marinos

Pérez-Botello, AM  (2020)



Diversidad de fauna asociada a esponjas arrecifales del Atlántico Tropical Americano.

Pérez-Botello AM (In prep)


Cambios de diversidad de fauna asociados a Callyspongia vaginalis, en arrecifes coralinos del Banco de Campeche.

Pérez-Botello AM (2018)


Aspectos ecológicos de los camarones carídeos asociados a esponjas de la costa sureste del Golfo de México

Ugalde D (2014)

Partner Institutions