Sponge-dwelling fauna
Fauna asociada a esponjas
This project focus on the biological story behind the sponges' associated fauna. Our objectives are: (1) document the involved organisms, (2) classify the interaction's type, and (3) analyze the structural importance of each species inside the interaction network.
Responsible: Antar Mijail Pérez Botello y Nuno Simões
Contact: antarmijail@comunidad.unam.mx
Status: Active
Echinoderm symbionts
Fauna asociada a equindermos
This project pursuit the description of ecological processes behind echinoderm-symbiont relationships. Our objectives are: (1) Integrate an updated and standardized database of echinoderms associated fauna reports (2) identify information gaps and (3) analyze the distribution and recurrence patterns of these associations.
Responsible: Rosa Carmen Sotelo Casas y Nuno Simões
Contact: rosacarmensotelocasas@gmail.com
Status: Active
Sessile cnidarians associated fauna
Fauna asociada a cnidarios sésiles
This project aims to analyze the type of interactions present in sessile cnidarians, such as anemones and corals.
Responsible: Ricardo González, Antar Mijail Pérez Botello y Nuno Simões
Contact: ns@ciencias.unam.mx
Status: Soon